
Friday, May 11, 2007


Japanese sake (alcoholic content: 14.3%) was heated to an appropriate temperature and filled in a glass vessel for storage while it was kept under reduced pressure. The pressure in the vessel at this time was 0.74 kg/cm². The vessel containing the "sake" was cooled in a home freezer.

The cooling curve obtained at this time is shown above

The sake contained in the vessel is present in the liquid state until the temperature reached point A in the curve. At the temperature corresponding to point A, the "sake" starts to freeze, and the primary freezing is completed at the temperature corresponding to point B in the curve. That is, the temperature at point A is defined as the starting temperature of freezing. At the temperature corresponding to point C near point A in the curve, the vessel containing the "sake" is taken out from the freezer to serve for drinking.

When the "sake" thus supercooled was poured into a glass which had been cooled in readiness, the poured "sake" was frozen in the glass, resulting in a sherbet-like "sake".

[+ wiki]

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